Tuesday 11 November 2008

Calzaghe to Retire?

Prior to the demolition of Roy Jones Jr, Joe Calzaghe was adamant that he was retiring and Saturday’s bout at Madison Square Garden would be his last.

However, the Italian Dragon has since placed doubt upon that statement by claiming he is still undecided on the future and will take some time off to think it over.

The proposition of fighting in front of a sold out Millennium Stadium seems to be the factor that has led to Joe’s hesitation - causing the boxing world to debate the decision whether to retire at the top with a perfect record or risk it all for a Hollywood ending and another huge payday?

It’s an arguement that has got everyone involved, with different views being shared. The links below show just two of them. I did try to find the videos and post them directly onto Britain-At-Ringside but unfortunately they’re not on YouTube so I can’t use them. If I did then I would most probably be sued by the BBC, who own them and my student loan won’t stretch to cover the cost of legal fees, so you'll have to make do with these...

Lennox Lewis

Enzo Calzaghe

Ricky Hatton has joined the debate and advised Calzaghe to quit when he told Radio 5Live: “There’s nothing more Joe can do. There’s always a new contender coming though.

“But he’s beaten Bernard Hopkins, he’s beaten Roy Jones, he’s done Madison Square Garden and Las Vegas. You can’t get a better way to bow out.”

David Haye, who faces Monte Barrett this weekend, also believes that Calzaghe should retire: “Very rarely do you get a fighter with his record retiring at the top. I think Lennox Lewis showed you can walk away from the game and stay away from it and get out on top.”

Although one person who wants Joe to fight on is the American Middleweight legend Marvin Hagler: “He has beaten legends in his time and now I believe there is only one more thing to do and that is to get (former light-heavyweight champion) Antonio Tarver.

“Then he will shut up all the critics and go down as one of the best fighters of all time.”

Personally, I’m still undecided on the matter. My head says that Joe should retire on top, but my heart would love to see him fight one last time. Log back onto Britain-At-Ringside to hear the latest news on Joe’s decision.

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